


Sanctify Church is located in the city of Orange. We are driven to teach God’s Word in a way that is practical and challenging. We are a community-based ministry that sees the book of Acts as a way of teaching, preaching and reaching those lost in this world. Our desire is that you will experience heartfelt worship that blends different styles; teaching from the Bible that is informative and relevant, and a welcoming atmosphere where each person is valued and appreciated. So, please come as you are and explore the many opportunities to get connected with us.


“To be a community reaching those in need of salvation, transforming believers into wholehearted followers of Jesus, who are growing in Christ.”


REACH (evangelism)
We believe that lost people matter to God, and therefore, ought to matter to the church, that is why we desire to reach seekers with the message of Jesus. This includes the concepts of relational evangelism and evangelism as a process. Luke 5:30–32, Luke 15, Matthew 18:14

TRANSFORM (discipleship) 
Discipleship, training up those in Christ to become whole-hearted followers. “Go and make disciples” Matthew 28:18-20 Doing life together, discipleship is caught more than taught. We believe that Spiritual disciplines are important for all believers and we should desire to be transformed by God. i.e. prayer, meditation on God’s word, community, giving, service, celebration. The greatest commandment, Love God with your heart, soul, mind & love others as yourself. Matthew 22: 36-40

GROW (relationship)
Building a healthy, biblical functioning community. Acts 2:42 Christ-followers should manifest authenticity and yearn for continuous growth. This includes the concepts of personal authenticity, character, and wholeness. Ephesians 4:25–26, 32, Hebrews 12:1, Philippians 1:6